Constrained after college: Student loans and early-career occupational choices
2011 study by the U.C. Berkeley and Princeton University in the Journal of Public Economics on how student debt can affect early career choices.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of education
2011 study by the U.C. Berkeley and Princeton University in the Journal of Public Economics on how student debt can affect early career choices.
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2012 study from the University of Texas at Austin and Harvard University on the impact of an arrest on a teen’s educational trajectory.
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2011 study from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York published in the Journal of Economic Geography on the dynamics between higher education and local economies.
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2012 report from the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers on patterns of employment, wages and difficulties in job-finding among recent graduates.
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2011 Princeton University working paper on the estimated monetary returns and highly selective college attendance in the United States.
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2010 study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics published in Monthly Labor Review on teen summer-employment trends.
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2012 study in the Journal of Economic Perspectives on the consequences and dynamics of assuming student loan debt.
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2011 paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research on college enrollment and completion trends by income and gender.
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2011 study from MIT for the National Bureau of Economic Research on the effectiveness of urban and non-urban charter schools on raising student achievement levels.
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2012 report from Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society on current laws as well as definitions of bullying, prevention strategies, and educational, social and legal responses.
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