The economic benefits of community college certificates in the job market
2015 study published in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis that looks at the economic and other benefits of community college certificates.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of education
2015 study published in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis that looks at the economic and other benefits of community college certificates.
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2016 collection of research and reports aimed at helping journalists write about the public policy debate surrounding transgender individuals and bathroom access.
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2016 study in the Journal of Marriage and Family that looks at whether girls and young women who take abstinence pledges are less likely to become pregnant, acquire STDs.
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2016 study published in the Review of Policy Research that examines the role the public plays in forming regulations on environmental policy issues in five states.
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2016 research brief from Scholars Strategy Network that looks at whether praise or money is a more effective tool for encouraging adolescents to complete after-school tutoring sessions.
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2016 study in The Review of Economics and Statistics that examines whether adolescents have higher grades, test scores if their math and English classes are scheduled at the start of the school day.
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2016 roundup of research that explores the growth in the number of white, Hispanic and Asian students attending the nation’s more than 100 HBCUs, or historically black colleges and universities.
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2016 study published in Social Problems that looks at how female math and science teachers influence high school students’ decisions to major in STEM fields.
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2016 study published in Social Problems that examines how racial disparities in school suspension rates affect racial differences in student achievement in math and reading.
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2016 primer for student journalists and new education reporters that offers information about sources and databases related to higher education in the U.S.
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