Minority teachers: How students benefit from having teachers of same race
This collection of research explores how students benefit from having teachers of the same race or ethnicity.
Research roundups, tip sheets, articles and explainers related to the topic of education
This collection of research explores how students benefit from having teachers of the same race or ethnicity.
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This syllabus offers faculty a guide for teaching basic data journalism skills, including statistical and visualization techniques, over a 13-week semester.
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A new study looks at how special education students and students who are learning English spend the summer. Researchers want to understand why some children forget what they learned while they are away from school.
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Joining fraternities and sororities distracts college students from their coursework. A new study suggests students’ grades may suffer and they select easier classes to accommodate Greek activities.
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A collection of research on school meals, including cafeteria food waste, effects on academic performance and efforts to improve school lunch quality.
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A licensure exam that educators in many states must pass to become school principals may be an ineffective means of predicting future job performance, a new study suggests.
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Robots, far more than free trade, are upending labor markets around the globe. Economists debate just how much the machines threaten our jobs.
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When given a choice of public high schools, parents in Australia select those located in wealthier areas with fewer immigrants and Muslim residents, a new study suggests.
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A requirement that middle schoolers be vaccinated against pertussis seems to protect the wider community and encourage preteens to receive other types of inoculations.
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A new study suggests high school graduates are less likely to be sent to prison and receive slightly shorter prison sentences than criminal offenders who did not finish high school.
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