Access to government records and FOIA tips: Guide for citizens and journalists
Guide from the Citizen Media Law Project providing an overview of FOIA and other techniques for finding documents at different levels of government.
Guide from the Citizen Media Law Project providing an overview of FOIA and other techniques for finding documents at different levels of government.
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Legal tip sheet from the Citizen Media Law Project at Harvard’s Berkman Center.
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Semester-long course on covering health care in the United States, including investigating wrongdoing in health and medicine, and interpret health in political, socio-economic and medical contexts.
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2011 lecture by Clay Shirky at the Shorenstein Center on freedom of the press in a global age.
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Semester-long course on how to understand what’s going on at companies and to report and write compelling business stories.
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Semester-long course on the structure of the judicial system and its terminology, function, and importance in public understanding of how the government operates.
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Semester-long syllabus that teaches students how to write stories with characters, show development and follow a structural arc.
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Syllabus for semester-long course on the fundamentals of covering and writing the news, including how identify a story, gather information efficiently and place it in a meaningful context.
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