Female veterans, World War II veterans overrepresented in news photos
A first-of-its-kind study from researchers at the University of Alabama’s new Veterans and Media Lab offers new insights into how news photos portray veterans.
A first-of-its-kind study from researchers at the University of Alabama’s new Veterans and Media Lab offers new insights into how news photos portray veterans.
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A forthcoming study offers new insights into voters’ behavior at the polls, including their reactions to long lines and voter ID laws.
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When Americans go to vote, journalists are never far behind. These 11 tips from veteran reporters and voting scholars can bolster your Election Day coverage.
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A new paper quantifies the amount of household instability U.S. children experience over the course of their childhoods. A key source of instability: siblings, stepsiblings and other relatives.
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When Democratic presidential candidates appeal to Latino voters, white Democrats become less supportive, a study finds.
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We’ve gathered and summarized a sampling of research to help journalists understand the implications and impacts of “free college,” “tuition-free” and “college promise” programs.
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University of Pennsylvania education professor Laura W. Perna offers journalists seven tips for covering “free college” and college promise programs.
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We asked veteran journalists, researchers and others for advice on helping newsrooms fine-tune their strategies for covering whistleblowers. Here are six tips we created, based on their insights.
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Researchers investigate the composition of Massachusetts charter schools’ governing boards and how it affects school finances and student achievement.
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Joel Abrams, an expert in online content strategy who manages media outreach for The Conversation US, offers nine quick tips for getting people to share or republish your articles, videos and other content online.
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