Hopes for the future linked to lower likelihood of violent behavior
Teen boys from low-income neighborhoods in Pittsburgh were less likely to have perpetuated violence if they had goals and hope for the future.
Teen boys from low-income neighborhoods in Pittsburgh were less likely to have perpetuated violence if they had goals and hope for the future.
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After the passage of California’s Proposition 47, which reduced criminal penalties for drug possession, felony drug arrest rates declined and racial disparities among these arrests decreased.
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Offering families financial assistance to purchase food in the summer improved school-aged children’s food security by 20 percent and boosted the quality of their diets.
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Studies show that areas with fewer local news outlets have lower levels of civic engagement, voter turnout and political accountability.
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Fracking is linked to increased rates of sexually transmitted infections in Ohio, according to research published in March 2018 in PLoS ONE.
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To help reporters covering how heat waves affect the elderly, Journalist’s Resource has collected recent research on the subject.
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Stores market sugary drinks more heavily during Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit issuance days, according to a new study.
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Having a garden at school might influence whether vegetables are available to children at home, a forthcoming study finds.
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