Does incarceration-based drug treatment reduce recidivism?
2007 paper in the Journal of Experimental Criminology on the effectiveness of incarceration-based drug treatment in reducing drug relapse and recidivism.
2007 paper in the Journal of Experimental Criminology on the effectiveness of incarceration-based drug treatment in reducing drug relapse and recidivism.
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2008 paper by the Valparaiso University School of Law on mortgage interest rates and the potential role of the FHA in providing mortgages to low-income home buyers.
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2008 University of California, San Francisco, study on the causes behind the high rate of dental care among the state’s Latino children.
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2009 study by the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research on effectiveness of workplace literacy training in 10 sites throughout Indiana.
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2006 University of Santa Clara study on the effectiveness of New York City’s Employment Services and Placement job training program for welfare recipients.
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2008 study by the International Monetary Fund quantifying if and how different groups influence immigration policy.
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2008 study for the National Bureau of Economic Research on the effect of immigration on labor market outcomes for native elderly workers.
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2011 study from University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University on the potential consequences of early voting methods.
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2009 paper by the Pew Internet and American Life Project on the rate of cell phone use while driving among American teenagers.
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2009 National Bureau of Economic Research paper on the relationship between early exposure to violence and later problems such as substance abuse and delinquency.
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